RHGC Appointed Directors

RHGC Category
  • Membership

RHGC is seeking volunteers from the membership to support our activities, events, and projects.  If you are interested in becoming a Board member for the 2023 year, there are a number of yearly appointed Board positions to consideration:

ADT Notices and Announcements

RHGC Category
  • Tournaments
  • SAGA

As the Asian Development Tour (ADT) event approaches, our commitment to our members is to share information as we receive it from the ADT Organizing Committee.

We appreciate your patience as many things are coming together in a very short timeframe. This ADT event is the first of its kind and we are striving to do our part to support our members, the larger golfing community, and the Company, as we promote the game of golf in Saudi Arabia.

Please make note of the following event-related notices:

Temporary Local Rule: Bunkers

RHGC Category
  • Grounds & Rules

Please be advised that due to the requirements to carry out maintenance work on all bunkers for the upcoming Asian Development Tour (ADT) event, the following temporary local rule will be in immediate effect starting today, November 27:

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