RHGC Announcement

This is just a short email letting you all know that the current executive board with the help of SAGA petitioned Recreation to bring Ed Devlin back as President. Ed today received an official letter from recreation asking for him to step back into the position and he accepted. 

Everyone has done such an incredible job the past few weeks wearing so many hats. However, everyone is also very excited to now settle in and work to make the second half of 2020 as memorable as possible.

So based on this decision, the restructure of the Executive Board will look like this:

  • Ed Devlin:  President (Nov 2021 end of term)
  • Les Hertlein: Vice President (Nov 2020 end of term)
  • Jeff Meisner:  Treasurer/Tournament Director (Nov 2020 end of term)
  • JP Scallon:  Secretary (Nov 2021 end of term)