2023 RHGC Match Play Events

Registration for the 2023 Match Play events is now open, please click here to register. The season will start on January 1, 2023, and will run until mid-November 2023, so don’t delay in registering before the December 31, 2022 deadline.

As in years past, the following Match Play competitions will be managed through the 2023 calendar year:

  • ·Singles Match Play
  • ·Flighted Match Play
  • ·Team Match Play

Match Play is the oldest style of golf competition and a great way to sharpen your competition strategy and skills in a one-to-one challenge format. Match Play is a great way to meet other RHGC members as these competitions are not part of the regular club-wide tournaments such as a monthly medal or other annual RHGC golf tournament.

When registering, please note the following criteria and consequences of scheduling matches:

  1. All matches of the competition must be played by the competition play-by dates published in Golf Genius and the RHGC website.
  2. It is the responsibility of the top team/player on the ladder to contact and arrange the match with his/her competitor on the ladder. On the ladder/bracket there are two player/teams and the person on the top line of the two names is the top player. The player/team advancing to the next level who arrives there first will be the top person on the subsequent ladder/bracket and this process is repeated through the rest of the competition.
  3. Requests to extend “play-by dates” will not be entertained by the Match Play Coordinator. Regardless of work, health, vacation, or any other reason the player/team that cannot coordinate the scheduling of the match will forfeit and be removed from the competition. If both players/teams have not completed the scheduled match by the play-by date without any communication between both sides, both teams/players will forfeit and be removed from the competition.
  4. The Match Play Coordinator's decision will be considered FINAL on all scheduling issues.

Please feel free to contact the Match Play Coordinator for any inquiries before or during the 2023 Match Play season.


Tim Billa, 2023 RHGC Match Play Coordinator