2018 RHGC Elections

Nominations are requested from active members for the Rolling Hills Golf Club Board positions of:

  • Vice-President
  • Tournament Director

All nominations must be submitted to the Nominating Committee Jim Platt or Paul Titley on or before 4:00 pm on Thursday, November 8th, 2018. All nominee names and their bios and photographs will be posted on the http://www.arabiangolf.net website as they are received. (Find them on the main menu bar).

Please do not nominate anyone without asking their permission to do so. Only members in good standing may submit nominations and all nominees must meet the following requirements:

  • An active primary member of Rolling Hills Golf Club and a regular Saudi Aramco employee
  • Nominated by an active member of Rolling Hills Golf Club
  • Able to serve for 2 year term starting January 1, 2019. Board meetings generally occur on the 2nd Sunday of each month
  • Willing to attend major Club events as well as spend personal time planning and organizing Club events
  • Willing to uphold the RHGC Constitution & Bylaws

All nominees will be contacted by a member of the Nominating Committee and anyone wishing to withdraw his or her nomination may do so prior to time when the election ballot is completed i.e. prior to November 15th, 2018

Timeline for the elections:

Thursday, November 8th, at 4:00 pm Deadline for receipt of all nominations

Thursday, November 15th, at 4:00 pm Deadline for receipt of all nominee bios (inclusive of photographs)

Sunday, November 18th, Voting begins

Note:  Elections may start earlier if all nominee information is received prior to November 18th

Thursday, November 29th, at 4:00 pm Voting ends

Sunday December 9th - Election results announced at RHGC AGM

Sunday, December 16th, at 4:00 pm deadline for receipt of votes if run off is required

Incentives for 2019 RHGC Board participation:

To encourage more active participation in the operation of the club the following incentives have been approved for active Board members for 2019.

  • 10 day advance tee time booking
  • Advanced table selection for the annual Golf Ball
  • 10% Pro-shop Discount

Recreation Manual Rules that impact our election.


Section 4.3 A spouse may not succeed his/her spouse as one of the group’s primary board members. Husbands and wives cannot serve on the board of a Self-Directed Group in any two separate board positions at the same time.


Section 4.4 When currently holding an office in one group, an officer must be within three months of completing the term before placing his/her name in nomination for office in another Self- Directed Group.


Section 4.5 Officers of Self-Directed Groups must be Saudi Aramco employees or their spouses, and must work or have a mailbox location within the area of the Self-Directed Group main facility or meeting area. Officers of Quad-Area Organizations must work in the area of the Self-Directed Group main facility or meeting area. This qualification will not apply to coaches, officials or umpires.

4.5.1 An individual can be an officer of only one Self-Directed Group at any time.

4.5.2 No officer of a Self-Directed Group can become a coach/division coordinator of that Self-Directed Group due to conflict of interest.




Jim Platt & Paul Titley

The RHGC Nominating Committee


Les Hertlein

Chairman of the Nominating Committee